I understand this position and can see the appeal. What I'm trying to
find out though is who, exactly, should tell the voters that one of
the people running for the office is a life long felon with a rap
sheet a mile long. I'd argue that *someone* should mention it. If you
agree that voters should be told about that, who then should do it?

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 4:30 PM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't care if I am running against a  life long felon with a rap
> sheet a mile long, none of my television ads nor mailings should be
> allowed to mention them or anything they may have done. They should
> only be allowed to mention what I have done/will do in the position to
> which I am seeking to be elected and where I stand on certain issues.
> That's it, nothing else

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