On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Jerry Johnson wrote:
> As others pointed out, the "it's different" defense is almost ALWAYS a key
> statement made excusing hypocrisy.

Sweeping statements are almost ALWAYS incorrect.  =)

In this response you say corporations aren't beholden to the same
requirements that the government is.

So, you tell me-- is working for the government DIFFERENT than working
as/for say, a private citizen?

And FWIW, I guess the thing I was talking about is a state deal: The
Inspection of Public Record Act (we originally had to opt-out of
having our addresses published, as employees of the University-- but
our salaries, any job applications we make, etc., are all deemed
"public records", and published for, um, the public.).

I happen like transparency in government.  Obviously this doesn't
extend to "state secrets" (though don't get me started on the abuse
we've seen of the "state secret" clause), but, come on man.  It *is*
different-- and you even said so. =)


The Athenians are right to accept advice from anyone, since it is
incumbent on everyone to share in that sort of excellence, or else
there can be no city at all.

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