My big problem with the whole system is that:

1.  If they are going to be making money off of MY information, they should
also be legally responsible to ensure that the information is accurate.  I
shouldn't have to police something that someone else is profiting from.  If
they post false or incorrect information, then they should be just as
legally liable as someone who commits slander or libel against me as it
essentially has the same effect.

2.  It should also have "official" mechanisms to explain bad debt like
illness or unemployment.  There is a huge difference between someone who
didn't pay their bills because they lost their job and someone who got
something on credit and tried to skip out on paying.  The current system is
way too one-sided and just doesn't show the whole picture.  A simple chart,
similar to the one they have for your credit that can display periods of
unemployment or illness...unemployment can come from the government and Dept
of Labor records...illnesses can be consumer submitted (with a doc's
signature of course to prevent abuse).  I just think that treating someone
who fell behind because of circumstances beyond his control and someone who
fell behind on purpose is plain wrong.

3.  There should only be one.  There really isn't any competition with 3 and
all it means is that we end up with 3 very widely varying scores.  Granted
#1 would solve the main problem of disparate scores, but it would be more
uniform if there was just one agency.

4.  While giving us once a year access was a vast improvement, we should be
able to freely access all of our information and be able to see our credit
reports for free just as the creditors would see them as many times as we
want.  It's not like it really costs them anything if we do so as it is all
electronic.  There should also be free alerts.  I wouldn't mind being a
secondary watch on the credit scores to make sure that they aren't missing
anything...scammers are pretty clever and could get stuff past them, free
alerts would cover that.  I don't think that there is anything that we
should pay for when it comes to our own credit reports.  They make enough
money off of creditors, they don't need to charge us for access or


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Root [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 22:37 
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Bank lowers man's credit score after he asked who owned his
mortgage loan.

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 4:21 PM, G Money <> wrote:
> I dunno.....i though it was all bullshit. I paid off the TV and the 
> furniture set the next day, and my score shot back up. Stupid.

That's because your "credit limit to available credit" ratio got a lot more

Closing an open account, which would seem like a good thing, can be bad for
this reason.. because let's say you've got two $5,000 credit cards with
$2500 on each one.  You transfer the money to one of them and close the
other, and suddenly your credit drops quite a bit because instead of having
50% of your credit limit available, you have 0% of your credit limit

All the people who had their credit limits dropped by the creditors in the
last few years suffered the same thing.  Their debt ratio went up through
absolutely no fault of their own.


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