" Is 250 really obese?"

According to BMI scales almost anyone who is 250 pounds is obese.  I am 6'
5" tall and weigh 235 lbs.  I am borderline obese according to BMI scales.
 If I want to be "normal", I would have to get to the neighborhood of 200

My son got a warning letter from the school that he was close to being obese
due to his BMI.  Being a very active 9 year old, he doesn't have any fat on
him.  There was a lot of laughter over this letter and some concern about
why in the hell the school is getting involved in this type of information.
 Very concerning when you consider eating disorders brought on by submitting
to public perception (which is a great topic for a discussion).

So, it depends if you want to use the scales that the insurance companies
and government use or if you want to use common sense.


Nutrition is not a private matter! - Hitler Youth Manual

We Can’t Just Leave it Up to The Parents - Michelle Obama on nutrition

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