On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:33 PM, Michael Dinowitz <
mdino...@houseoffusion.com> wrote:

> Rice has said that Obama has not ruled out arming the Libyan rebels. Can he
> do this without congressional oversight?
> As an aside, the more I actually learn about the rebels, the more I see
> that
> they are not the people we really want to be supporting. Are they the
> lesser
> of two evils?

I don't have a problem with the US providing military assistance to a UN
mandated coalition action to avert the impending massacre of thousands of

But beyond that, Libya is engaged in a civil war, a war where both sides can
be nefarious, untrustworthy, and brutal. I don't think we should be taking
sides in such a struggle.

I would NOT support the US arming the rebels, or supporting them directly in
their fight (ie attacking Qaddafi positions just to help the rebels achieve
military victories and advance).

A CNN reporter asked an interesting question the other day.....as rebels
advanced on a Qaddafi held city (damn if i can't remember the city name
now...Sute? Or something like that)...a city which does NOT support the
rebels....what would the US do if the rebels began slaughtering the civilian
Qaddafi loyalists???

WOuldn't our mandate then dictate that we must protect the Qaddafi
supporters against the rebels?

Again, this is a mess i don't think we should be diving into, beyond what
we've already done.

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