Totally intelligent questions with no real answers. The only thing I can
think of is Obama wants to milk this Arab protest thing as much as he can.
He denounces Mubarik immediately. He waits till rebels get hold of an oil
center and then denounces Qadaffi. He doesn't say jack about Assad (Syria
isn't an oil producer). Basically, he's trying to get the most he can
without getting into 'trouble'.
Watch it all blow up in his face when the US, I mean NATO fails to kick
Qadaffi out and he becomes a hero to some and a bigger dictator to his own
people. Or we arm his opponents and have Afghanistan all over again.
The only way to win the game is to not get drawn into it.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Vivec <> wrote:

> From the US perspective...what problem did they have with Gaddafi??
> He was handling the oil situation just fine...he was relatively friendly to
> the West...
> was there some policy that the West wanted to implement which he refused?
> This is why all those dictators are in power in the Middle East anyways.
> They all agreed to toe the line in exchange for being left alone. They
> arrange decent deals with Western companies etc. for drilling and
> distribution of oil. Most of them were installed and supported by the West
> initially.
> I still don't see, from a Western point of view, what was the issue with
> Gaddaffi in particular. It isn't as if any country at a government level
> really gives two figs about the Libyan or The Egyptian people.
> Is it that the media coverage was such that they felt politically they
> needed to respond in some way?
> The other thing is, what happened to the international arms merchants?
> Aren't they more than capable of arming the rebels? I mean...that's what
> they do isnt it? (Lord of War) :-)
> On 29 March 2011 13:33, Michael Dinowitz <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Rice has said that Obama has not ruled out arming the Libyan rebels. Can
> he
> > do this without congressional oversight?
> >
> > As an aside, the more I actually learn about the rebels, the more I see
> > that
> > they are not the people we really want to be supporting. Are they the
> > lesser
> > of two evils?
> >

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