I honestly don't think the masses are as stupid as you constantly claim.


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:05 PM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> G Money <gm0n3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Al Qaeda seems to be their most vocal when things are NOT going well for
>> them....but when they are quiet, that's usually a bad sign.
> Very good question ... this is parallel to my supposition that Obama's
> greatest strength (to this issue) is his skin color and his name.
> If you consider events from, say, a Egyptian's perspective (something,
> granted, tough for a westerner to do), here's how things would look to
> me:
> * AQ says the problems with my country (poverty, etc) are because the
> west (the US specifically) is keeping me down.
> - This makes sense with George Bush in power: he's the son an oil man
> and great friends with the Saudi kings not to mention the US taxpayer
> is directly supporting the dictator that runs my country.  The US, and
> the Bush's, want my country's oil to keep them rich and to do that
> they're keeping this dictator rich and in power.  Bastards!
> - With Obama, the US takes on a much more "I can relate to him"
> presence.  Obama looks like me and has a name like me.  He's not a
> rich oil guy, in fact his grandparents live close by.  Yes the US is
> greedy and wants out oil, and yes they support my dictator, but maybe
> this isn't the grand conspiracy I had thought.  maybe if I expelled
> this dictator i could sell Obama our oil ...
> In this second speculation, the AQ message is diluted and even
> contradicted.  Further, in that scenario I wouldn't want to attack the
> US as I want their dollars.  Sure I'd still pity them and their
> meaningless lives, ** but maybe the problem is better dealt with by
> attacking my dictator at home rather than his backers abroad **
> My hope is that I'm right and that therefore where AQ is, is lost in
> this new realization powered by Faceboo

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