On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From hard-learned experience. If you ever want to have a life again,
> do NOT go down this route.

It can be a burden.  In my view, the best way to make sure it doesn't
become one is to make the hourly rate for responding to a call
relatively high.  Make it painful for them to call you in an
emergency.  Minimum of one billable hour per call.  If it's really an
emergency they will call you and don't mind the extra cost.  If it's
not really critical and they want a lower rate for the work than it
needs to be treated like any other non-emergency project.

That way changing some text on a homepage can't be an "emergency", but
a load balancer beating the crap our of your server is.  Heck, even if
changing text on the homepage is an emergency you are getting very
well paid for it.  They will either stop calling petty things
emergencies, or you will get rich on the emergency rate.  Either
option is a positive outcome for you.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf
email: cameronc@gmail.

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