Sam <> wrote:
> Prices of those items have gone up but they are not traded in dollars
> so it depends on the value of the currency used. Also, a company like
> BMW is going to be willing to take a pay cut to stay in the market. If
> they lose dealerships now then they're gone for the long hall.
> And that's by bar stool economics class.
> Do I pass?

Well it's an interesting theory that leaves a few questions:

(1.) According to the nationwide Lundberg Survey, self-serve regular
unleaded gas was $3.88 a gallon on April 22, up 11.53 cents per gallon
from April 8.  Now that's odd according to your theory given that QE2
is almost over, yet we've had a big jump very recently.  If this is
due to the Fed buying bonds, why the sudden jump?

(2.) Speaking of QE2 ... QE1 started in George Bush's term, on Nov
25th 2008:
 In other word, it was George Bush that was the original money printer
- so why didn't gas start rising then?

(3.) Speaking of George Bush, the all-time high gas price happened
during his term - on July 11, 2008.  So that must mean he's REALLY bad
for the economy then?

So to sum up it sounds like you're saying, based on gas prices

(a.) Bush was horrible for the US economy, and

(b.) Obama, even though he hasn't fixed things, surely isn't as bad as Bush was.

I guess you're right.

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