"the problem with america is the black people are immediately pulling the
card with ANYTHING obama.  once the race card is pulled, my ears close

Amen.  It's the boy who cried wolf syndrome.  If it ever does happen, will
anyone actually notice.

"If you say anything about 'redistribution of wealth' you'll get called a
socialist, communist and fascist, fyi."

Only if you say anything in support of redistribution.  If you are against
it, you are called a tea partier.

". . . .when these people come to his support, ITS ONLY BECAUSE HE'S FUCKING

What?  Obama is black?  Damn.  I couldn't get past the whole
socialist/marxist/progressive thing.  Well, what do you know?

"Fact.  Racism exists."

No doubt.  Look at Eric Holder and the justice department.  He practices
racism every day.

"Fact:  A large number of those who are opposed to Obama being President are

Proof?  What do you consider a large number?   Are the blacks who voted for
Obama just because he's half-black racist?  He could not have won without a
significant portion of the white vote.

"They aren't criticizing the President's policy.  They are smearing his
character, and denying his citizenship and religion."

And so what?  Is that a new concept in the American political scene?  I
John Adams was called a hermaphrodite.  Thomas Jefferson was called an
infidel.  John Quincy Adams was accused of pimping. Is it uncivil?  Sure.
Is it to be expected.  You betcha.  It goes with the territory.  If you
can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.



I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody. - Barack

I never thought this day would happen. . . . I won’t have to work on putting
gas in my car. I won’t have to work at paying my mortgage. You know. If I
help him, he’s gonna help me. - Peggy Josep

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