Jerry, try not to confuse the liberals with actual data - it ruins the illusion.
On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote: > > Some quotes on the two states with the strictest voter id laws: > > Remember the storm that arose on the political left after the U.S. Supreme > Court upheld the constitutionality of Indiana's voter ID law last April? > According to the left, voter ID was a dastardly Republican plot to prevent > Democrats from winning elections by suppressing the votes of minorities, > particularly African-Americans. > > > > > The two states with the strictest voter ID requirements are Indiana and > Georgia. Both require a government-issued photo ID. According to figures > released by Prof. Michael McDonald of George Mason University, the overall > national turnout of eligible voters was 61.6%, the highest turnout since the > 1964 election. > > > > > So what happened in Georgia where the ACLU, the NAACP and other such groups > claimed the state's photo ID law was intended to depress black turnout? > According to figures released by Curtis Gans at American University, Georgia > had the largest turnout in its history, with nearly four million voters. The > Republican turnout was up only 0.22 percentage points; the Democratic > turnout was up an astonishing 6.1 percentage points, rising from 22.66% of > the eligible voting population to 28.74% of the eligible population. > > The overall turnout in Georgia increased 6.7 percentage points from the 2004 > election -- the second highest increase in turnout of any state in the > country. According to the JCPES, the black share of the statewide vote > increased in Georgia from 25% in the 2004 election, when the photo ID law > was not in effect, to 30% in the 2008 election, when the photo ID law was in > effect. > > > > > In Indiana, which the Supreme Court said had the strictest voter ID law in > the country, the turnout of Democratic voters in the November election > increased by 8.32 percentage points. That was the largest increase in > Democratic turnout of any state in the country. The increase in overall > turnout in Indiana was the fifth highest in the country, but only because > the turnout of Republican voters actually went down 3.57 percentage points. > The nearby state of Illinois (no photo ID requirement) had an increase in > Democratic turnout of only 4.4 percentage points -- nearly half Indiana's > increase. > > > > > The JCPES predicts that when the final turnout numbers are in for the 2008 > election, black turnout will probably reach a historic high of almost 67% > and likely surpass white turnout for the first time. All at a time when > about half of the states have passed various forms of voter ID requirements, > including two states with strict photo ID laws. > > > > > The claim that Republican legislatures in Georgia and Indiana passed voter > ID to depress Democratic turnout is demonstrably false. But even if it were > true, they obviously failed miserably to achieve that objective given the > huge increases in Democratic and minority turnout in both states. > > > > > > Read more here: > > J > > - > > We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent > before and it does not work. I say after eight years of this Administration > we have just as much unemployment as when we started. And an enormous debt > to boot! - Henry Morgenthau > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: