This "Fair Tax" , or any change to the US tax system,will never happen

I think the US will simply continue to print money and sink deeper and
deeper into Debt.

Until the point where a ride in an ambulance costs 1500 dollars, and
emergency care costs 350k.
There'll be no "middle class" as it is now known, and corporations will run
the country overtly.

"Freedom" will be a thing of the past, and people won't own anything they
will just lease all devices and all content. Everyone will be tied to long
term contracts, and a free and open Internet will be a distant memory.

The innovation will slow to a crawl with releases being carefully timed and
scaled as we see an ever increasing lack of competition through the use of
Patents, Tiered plans, and suppression of information across the Internet
all in the name of preventing child pornography and Intellectual property
theft. (There will still be child pornography despite all these measures,
though, meaning they must be continued in perpetuity).

All the revolutions, and rights of the people, and the whole Give me Freedom
chants will produce nothing of note.

Future Presidents will not campaign on cutting the deficit, they'll campaign
on not increasing the deficit by too much.
None of them will touch taxes.
Rich will be those that have 20m and up. (right now "rich" is those that
have about 7m US and up according to recent article and a survey of the
wealthy in America).



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