Wow! I'm in shock. We can actually agree on something?


On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Judah McAuley <> wrote:
> Submission has nothing to do with whether or not it is coerced.
> Submission is submission even when it is voluntarily. I think that
> submission is a fine thing. And some people can compartmentalize their
> submission. I know some very strong, powerful, people who are firm
> leaders in their work lives who are willingly submissive in their
> private lives. It can be wonderful to let go of the responsibility to
> lead and to hand over the power and all the headaches that go with it
> to another.
> When Bachmann and others in the more conservative Christian vein talk
> about a wife submitting to their husband, they mean willing
> submission, no doubt. And all leaders should listen to the opinions
> and desires of those who submit to them. None the less, the reason
> that they call it "submission" is that at the end of the day, the role
> of the submissive is to submit to the will of the one they are
> submissive to. There very well may be mutually understood limits to
> the submission, such as it being confined to family matters and around
> the home but not extending out into the professional world.
> A number of more fundamentalist sects take a rather wide-ranging view
> on the purview of a wife submitting to a husband. I do not know
> whether Bachmann feels that a wife should be submissive to her husband
> in all areas of their life or whether she means it solely within the
> realm of their marriage and home life. Given her rather fundamentalist
> views on other matters, I'd certainly be leery. But then again, all
> the other fundamentalist views are why I wouldn't vote for her anyway,
> so the particulars of this one area are largely moot for me. But just
> because she says that women should be submissive to their husbands
> doesn't necessarily mean that it would require her to potentially
> compromise her position as an elected leader.
> Judah

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