On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Sam <sammyc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The irony of claiming an intelligent person would vote for Obama after
> more than two years of proof he's not a good choice.

I thought intelligent people could and did vote for George W. Bush. Same for
Barack Obama, Al Gore, John Kerry and John McCain. Obviously i liked some of
those people more than others, but I would not stoop to call anyone who
voted for them "unintelligent" based solely on that vote. It's a shame that
you would.

HOWEVER....I will readily admit that I would seriously question the aptitude
of a person who would cast a presidential vote for Michelle Bachmann. Of
course, MB is a far cry from any of the people I listed above, as they were
all actual candidates on a major party ticket for president. I sincerely
doubt MB will get that far.

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