You do realize contractors in every sector get more because they don't get benefits. It's cheaper to pay 20 percent more in wages for a year or two than it is to pay a retirement package over 30 years.
. On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Larry Lyons <> wrote: > > You whine and moan about federal employees and the costs. You forget that > there are still almost 4 times the number of contractors to federal > employees. They cost much more than does a federal employee. And the bulk of > that cost doesn't go into the pockets of that contractor, but into the > coffers of KBR, Boeing, BAH, etc. Yet while you whine about federal employees > costing too much and must be cut back I hear nothing absolutely nothing about > contractors. > > So what do you want expensive contractors or cheaper employees. Don't care > much for the deficit now do you, as long as it goes into the profits of > bloated corporate welfare bums. > >>You do realize that contractors are fired at will and don't get a pension? >> >>That reminds me, did you notice Texas didn't have a recession? >> >>. > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive: Subscription: Unsubscribe: