You whine and moan about federal employees and the costs. You forget that there 
are still almost 4 times the number of contractors to federal employees. They 
cost much more than does a federal employee. And the bulk of that cost doesn't 
go into the pockets of that contractor, but into the coffers of KBR, Boeing, 
BAH, etc. Yet while you whine about federal employees costing too much and must 
be cut back I hear nothing absolutely nothing about contractors. 

So what do you want expensive contractors or cheaper employees. Don't care much 
for the deficit now do you, as long as it goes into the profits of bloated 
corporate welfare bums.

>You do realize that contractors are fired at will and don't get a pension?
>That reminds me, did you notice Texas didn't have a recession?
>On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 10:03 PM, Larry Lyons <> wrote:

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