the money leaves the country when you give it to "job creators" because they
have bank accounts in Bermuda.

 If you spend it on infrastructure then a) bridges over the Mississippi are
less likely to fall down, b) you cannot send internet backbone upgrades out
of the country (for example) and c) the people who get jobs when you hire
them turn around and BUY STUFF. Such a concept. It's called the multiplier

On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:23 PM, Robert Munn <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Grussgott <> wrote:
> >
> > So I'm back to Keynes; if business isn't spending and consumers aren't
> > spending the only way to kick the economy in the arse is government
> > spending.  But then what about the debt?  I dunno but I can't get around
> the
> > logic of that conclusion.
> >
> Keynesian priming the pump only works in a closed system. In an open system
> like we have now, the money can leave the country, so it's useless to prime
> the pump. If we default, that makes it easier. We re-value the dollar and
> bring jobs back to the US. And get rid of the Federal Reserve. They have
> totally failed at their stated mission.

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