But isn't that everything the US is against?  You start with this guy and 
whats the difference with abducting your wife in the middle of the night?

Or looked at another way, what if France missiles a car in Miami and says, 
"don't worry, a drone from Martinique did it and even though we're not 
presenting any evidence .... Trust us.  Bad guy."

Just seems not right.

On Oct 1, 2011, at 5:41 PM, Anthony Weeg <tonyw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> fuck him.
> Sent from my iPhone... Don't hate.
> On Oct 1, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Casey Dougall <ca...@uberwebsitesolutions.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Gruss Gott <grussg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> It seems pretty universal by people in govt that this guy was a bad guy,
>>> but it's also troubling that the US would assassinate a US citizen on
>>> foreign soil without due process; especially given this administrations
>>> previous assertions that trial of terrorists is possible.
>>> Anyone else bothered by this?
>> Initially... Yes; but then no, becaue he was already on the kill or capture
>> list. After hearing that he's been on this list for about a year, I am not
>> bothered by this anymore, we are in war and treason is punishable by death.
>> Military is out there to protect USA at all costs, by the time you make it
>> to a kill or capture list, You're basically going to die.
>> It's also why the second amendment is so important. Because if we are to
>> protect ourselves, we would need to do so against our military, not as much
>> so the police as they have different rules and regulations that protect us
>> against them.

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