> I haven't seen anything from the movement
> encouraging people to move their bank accounts and showing clear
> alternatives.

^^ This.

A couple years ago, Chase was "forced" to buy Washington Mutual by the Feds.

As soon as the announcement was made, I told my wife we were moving
our accounts. I didn't have a clue as to where, but !Chase was better
than Chase. Since our money was with WaMu after several unsuccessful
tries at banking with National Banks (USBank being the biggest), we
were not pleased at the thought of our "local" bank being subsumed.

The Chase manager at our branch tried to insist that we keep several
hundred dollars in our account and that it could not be closed because
we might have outstanding checks, etc. but we prevailed (printouts of
our account registers, confirmation pages of automatic payment
cancellations and check book in hand) and moved all our money to
Boeing Employee's Credit Union (BECU) and have never looked back.

Now, I chuckle every time I see a BofA or Chase commercial about ATMs
and so many locations as that was also one of the (obviously scripted)
manager's threats to us, too. "Don't go with BECU, they don't have
enough ATMs, you'll never be able to get cash when you need it!!"

BECU, for a short while, not only didn't charge us a fee to use other
banks ATMs but also reimbursed us the charge of the BofA ATMs we did
have to use on occasion. I don't know if the do anymore as I've pretty
much managed to live without cash in hand (Debit card with no monthly
fee!?! Crazy Credit Unions!!!!), but it was nice for the first few

So now when my more protest-minded friends ask if I'm going to go
#OccupySeattle, I respond, "I did my bit. I took my money and ran.
Have you considered doing the same?"


"If my life weren't funny, it would just be true;
and that would just be unacceptable."
- Carrie Fisher

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