On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Jerry Milo Johnson <jmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Apps are easy to install.
> they work. they uninstall easy. they tell me when they update. they are
> relatively cheap.
> as a phone, it works well.
> as an email reader, it works well.
> as a tiny web browser, it works well
> as an ebook reader, it isnt as good as a kindle, but I have read about 20
> books now, and it is servicable.
> as an ipod it works well.
> as a digital recorder, it is decent but not great
> as a camera, it is pretty good. (I miss zoom)
> as a game platform, I like it.

I can say the same things about my android phone - and would have said
the same things when I had an iPhone.

Scott Stroz
You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can
wonder what the f*&k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris


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