job creation, lol. Don't wear the words out before the general election ;)

I am as cynical as the next person, but also willing to consider that
perhaps the cost-benefit ratio had a part in the decision. I have not
really researched the matter and won't have time to do so, but I have an
open mind on the matter. Votes may have had something to do with it. Or
not. I am not sure that the number of green votes outweighs the number you
can persuade using campaign contributions from the oil industry.

And Pelosi...well. Apparently she is the new Clinton in the "your guys did
it too" game. Whatever. If she was/is corrupt, that is bad, and she should
be prosecuted. If Boehner is corrupt, as it would seem from the little I
have read about this, then that is bad and he should be prosecuted.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:

> "I was just pointing out the corruption involved on the Republican side."
> But why didn't you bring out the corruption of the
> Democrats, particularly President Obama selling out job creation for votes
> from the green movement.  It's okay to be balanced.
> "The speaker stands to make hundreds of thousands based solely on his
> position. "
> I haven't done the research to know if this is true or not.  Assuming it
> is, which is not difficult considering it is dealing with politicians, it
> looks Boehner learned a few things from Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker.
>  He needs to up his game if he wants to do as well as she did though.
> J
> -
> We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it. - Nancy
> Pelosi
> "The Government should not keep information confidential merely because
> public officials might be embarrassed by disclosure, because errors and
> failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears." -
> Barrack Obama

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