When my dog tore a ligament in his knee, we gave him one of my vicoden
(5mg/500 mg Tylenol at the time) and that was ok.  There are several sites
out there if you google  dogs and pain relievers.  My dog is a rotterman, so
he is a big dog, so depending on your dog's size, the upper limits will
vary.  I wish I could remember the formula I found for how much
aspirin/Tylenol was ok per pound...I think it was something like 15 mg's/
per pound.  I would look that up first as that was a few months ago.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana [mailto:dana.tier...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2012 6:39 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: pain meds for dogs

Has anyone here researched this topic? I have a dog who is getting old now
that just got a prescription for Rimadyl, which costs over $200 a month and
beyond the cost seems to have some really serious risks and side effects.
Googling got me the info that when we tried aspirin we may not have been
giving her enough, so we're going to try that, but I was wondering if anyone
here had researched this or had other suggestions or ideas.


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