You can get an installer here

It will do the install using Tomcat and all the connectors you need to
run on IIS 7 and Linux.

This will give you a comparison of what is in OBD and CF.

Actually the Wiki and the Manual (
should give you all the answers you need. There's also a very active
Open Blue Dragon Google group and mailing list. You ought to post your
question there.

Generally I've found very few differences between the two, there are
some tags that are not in OBD, but then again they've offer some tags
that are not in CF. One important difference is that OBD is about at
the equivalent of being halfway between CF8 and CF9. It is a bit
behind Adobe 9.0 - no script based components or a script based
Application.cfc. One substantial difference is in response time. When
there is a bug discovered in OBD its quickly fixed, often in a matter
of a few days. Adobe has about a 1 to two year product cycle - look
how long it took to go from 9 to 9.01.

My own experience is that Open BlueDragon is faster than CF but not as
fast as Railo. Its very robust. I've run some jmeter tests on a couple
of applications running under Open Blue Dragon and JBoss. Basically I
set up the equivalent of these apps being slashdotted with a couple of
hundred simultaneous users. It slowed down somewhat  but kept going.
The response time was better than Adobe  CF under the same load. But
whether that was because of OBD itself or because CF was running under
JRun while OBD was using Tomcat as the app engine, I'm not sure.

What I do know is that for the sites that I've developed that use Open
Blue Dragon, the customers have been satisfied. In three cases the
owners decided they needed features in CF that are not in OBD and
eventually moved to CF.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 9:15 PM, Brian Polackoff <> wrote:
> Hey everyone.
> I have a client who wants a custom app written, they heard great things about 
> CF which is how we connected with each other. They are on a strict budget and 
> asked me to use the free open source server called Open Blue Dragon instead 
> of purchasing cf through adobe. The app will have thousands of viewers a day 
> (not sure how many hits/second).
> Can anyone give me some pros and cons or any personal experiences using 
> openBD?
> Thanks,
> Brian

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