Data are data. That study has been replicated in England, Europe and
in the US with both students and non students on and off campus. If
you are offended perhaps its time to look at yourself and decide why
you are so overly sensitive.

On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:26 PM, Sam <> wrote:
> Here we go again. Why is nobody outraged over this personal attack?
> You know damn well it's pure hateful BS. Why so much hate Larry? Why?
> .
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:11 PM, Larry C. Lyons <> wrote:
>> It makes perfect sense in a why. There is some neuropsych research
>> that's I've mentioned before that did functional MRI's on self
>> identified conservatives and progressives. What the researchers found
>> was that the areas of the brain that deal with processing fear and
>> anxiety are more active and larger in the conservatives of the sample
>> than the progressives. In contrast the progressives had larger and
>> more active areas of the brain that deal in complex cognition and
>> nuanced thinking than conservatives. So its entirely possible for many
>> conservatives to perceive the world entirely in black and white rather
>> than in shades of grey. The perceived victimization also works because
>> of the differences in the amydala (the area that deals with processing
>> anxiety and fear related information).

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