"Both NPR and PBS have reported on investigations on major sponsors in the
past. When has Faux Snooze done so?"

In the past?  Before they took corporate sponsors maybe?  And please don't
try to put me into a postion to defend Fox News.  It's not going to happen.

Anyway Larry, sometimes stories get so big that even the compromised media
will have to cover them.  For example, John Edwards.   The compromised
media tried so hard to ignore the story until the National
Enquirer embarrassed them into covering it.  Let me say that again:  the
National Enquirer.

And unlike the Edwards situation, the compromised media goes into damage
control for the sponsors.  Do you really think they will run with a story
without getting the okay from their huge sponsors?  They get the material
that the sponsor deems okay to run with.  Here's an example:

Accomplished pediatrician, author, and teacher Dr. Jay Gordon has a
commonsense approach to vaccinations– and an unwillingness to be coerced
into either the “pro” or “anti” vaccine camps. PBS Frontline recently
interviewed the noted pediatrician at length for a show called “The Vaccine
War.” Although Dr. Gordon spent hours interviewing with Frontline, PBS
producers omitted not only 100% of his interview but the entire “third
camp” approach to vaccinations. It is obvious that PBS wanted to create a
simple tabloid news piece with the all-knowing doctors on one side vs.
crazed parents on the other.

This is disturbing. It is even more disturbing given the level of financial
support provided to public television by drug and related companies. You
won’t easily find information about drug company support for public
television on the internet. But you can find some of it on a fundraising
website run by WGBH, the public station that produces Frontline:

There are so many stories out there now that could win a Pulitzer, but no
one ones to write them.  Investigate the corrupt ties between unions and
politics, the  pays offs elected officials give to their cronies, the use
of the stimulus package a slush fund to pay political backers, the
continued American militarism in the Middle East, the corrupt leadership of
the UN, and so on.

"For the record, 'reich-wing' is excessive if it refers to all

I think we determined that this actually refers to the left wing since the
Reich was a left wing organization :)



When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the
Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a
promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a
promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be
guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness." - Martin Lut

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