idk, i havent ever had a problem with sam, sure he says some shit,
everyone does.

id miss ya sammy

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> "Don't get me started on the anti-vax crowd. 4 kids are now out of my kid's
> school because they're sick  with whooping cough - parents refused to
> vaccinate."
> There you go again.  Shifting the discussion (btw - whooping cough wasn't a
> big deal until the US stopped enforcing immigration - which is another
> potential pulitzer prize winning story).
> Anyway, the show about vaccinations removed a respected doctor who took the
> middle road.  The show was turned into "Vaccine War" (the actual name):
> You had a point to prove and removed material from your show which made the
> narrative balanced. “Distraught, confused moms against important,
> well-spoken calm doctors” was your narrative with a deep sure voice to,
> literally, narrate the entire artifice.
> Here's another quote from the doctor:
> I trusted you by giving you two or three hours of my time for an interview
> and multiple background discussions. I expressed my heartfelt reservations
> about both vaccines and the polarizing of this issue into “pro-vaccine” and
> “anti-vaccine” camps. I told you that there was at least a third
> “camp.” There are many doctors and even more parents who would like a more
> judicious approach to immunization. Give vaccines later, slower and with an
> individualized approach as we do in every other area of medicine.
> What did you create instead?
> “The Vaccine War.”
> A war. Not a discussion or a disagreement over facts and opinions, but a
> war. This show was unintelligent, dangerous and completely lacking in the
> balance that you promised me–and your viewers–when you produced and
> advertised this piece of biased unscientific journalism. “Tabloid
> journalism” I believe is the epithet often used. Even a good tabloid
> journalist could see through the screed you’ve presented.
> The vaccine war isn't of interest in this discussion (hence the lack of
> comment aside from yours about the formerly almost eradicated in the
> US whooping cough). It would make a good thread on its own though.  What
> the point is here is the lack of integrity of Front Line and the media in
> general.
> It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
> J
> -
> I've always thought the right wing was the ones who were inflexible and
> intolerant, and now I'm coming to realize that the orthodoxy at NPR, if
> it's representing the Left, is just unbelievable -

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