Terms of coverage part way down the faq

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 8:48 PM, Dana <dana.tier...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> it's the only thing approaching a valid argument on the other side of the
>> issue, Sam. Valid argument, meet Sam,  Sam meet valid argument. Some
>> Catholic institutions say they should not have to pay to include
>> contraceptives in coverage  they are funding for their students and/or
>> employees, since their religious beliefs say that contraception is wrong.
>> Geez.  You are making me do all the work here.  Of course, it hasn't been
>> demonstrated that it costs more to cover contraception, but hey, there's a
>> First Amendment claim that isn't completely laughable.  You're welcome.
>> Anyway, that has all the makings of a supreme court case, eventually -- the
>> right to not be messed with vs the right to believe that women do not have
>> a right to not be messed with. Anyway, getting back to Fluke, none of that
>> applies to student insurance at Georgetown if it is true that Georgetown
>> doesn't subsidize it at all. On what basis would Georgetown have a First
>> Amendment claim? PT is right. Either come off auto-pilot or STFU for a
>> while, geez.
>>> I don't see how you can construe a First Amendment right to dictate
>> health
>> >> care you aren't paying for.
>> >
>> > wa?

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