One more time:


Says so right here:

Q. Are pre-existing conditions covered?

A. Pre-existing conditions are covered if the condition or treatment
is not specifically excluded or limited per the Exclusions and
Limitations in Description of Benefits Booklet.

(Note: Although birth control is not covered, medications used for
birth control that are required to treat other medical conditions are
covered. Your provider may submit requests for such coverage in the
form of a "Prescription Override" by faxing the details of the
diagnosis and treatment to Gallagher Koster, fax #: 617-479-0860.)


On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 4:24 PM, Erika L. Rich <> wrote:
> You know what. Fine. Lets get personal. Because I could care less if people
> know this about me.
> Don't pay for contraception. But can the companies that do make, for
> instance, Ortho Novum 777 please make a similar product and market it under
> "fibroid reducer" and whatever other market speak exists for making a
> period easier after you are in the upper 30's to 50's? So that my insurance
> company can still help pay for it?
> Last I checked it was almost $30 a month for it, although Planned
> Parenthood (that "nasty dirty organization that only caters to abortions"
> according to some. Not me by the way.) had a nice sliding scale based on
> income so that it wasn't so expensive ...
> Because the fibroids (that make me curl into a ball and cry) and heavy
> bleeding (that keeps me home and only 10 steps from the nearest bathroom
> for 2-3 whole days) and complete and total PAIN and bloating for 10 days a
> month is killing me. And in order to stop it **ALL** I need the pill. Which
> helps ALL of that. Would let me live more normally for that time of the
> month.
> It has nothing to do with preventing children. Hubby is fixed.
> But to help me live easier, the contraception is a medical necessity.
> Unless I want to let them just yank my uterus out. And they wont do that
> until I go through psychological tests to ensure I'm "mentally stable"
> enough to have that surgery, never mind the gynecological tests to ensure
> I'm a candidate.
> People suck. Full stop.
> And you people on this list that believe that insurance companies or any
> health care PROGRAM AT ALL shouldn't pay for contraception, suck. Full stop.
> And all the people out there that say they shouldn't pay, suck too.

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