don't really know anything about the paper either, tho I'm pretty sure
somehow, maybe from osmosis when I was in Florida, that it's like the
local evening paper there. Don't know its politics but the entire
Orlando area is pretty redneck.

this might be one of those f*d up cases where everyone is telling the
truth the way they see it. A few thoughts below, but it boils down to
this for me. It's not self-defense when you're carrying a lethal
weapon and trailing people who weren't bothering you. And who, even if
your darkest suspicions are correct, may want to steal something at

By the way, I heard an interview with the author of the Stand Your
Ground law today. Talk of the Nation I think. He said categorically
that the intent was not to mandate following someone around with a gun
in your wasteband because you think he's Up to No Good.

Let's note in passing that the Sanford PD dispatched an officer to
investigate a kid for wearing a hoodie while black....

Anyway. He also said that the law is not supposed to preclude an
investigation. The intent was to make it unnecessary to take cases to
trial that investigation shows to have been self defense.

He also said that based on what he had read, between the two of them,
Stand Your Ground would more likely have applied to Trayvon, who was,
after all, being stalked by some weirdo in an SUV whose intentions did
not seem peaceful.

1. Piss on the residue in the baggie. Why'd that get leaked, so we'd
all go oh yeah, those black kids, they all do drugs? And maybe he
*was* violent if he was smoking that demon Mary Jew Juana? That leak
is actually one of the things that makes me think there *is* some
institutionalized racism going on here.

2. Unknown politics for the newspaper so I'll take the story at face
value for a second

3. The story relies heavily on the police account. The police are by
definition not neutral since they are being investigated themselves.
But I gather they accepted Zimmerman's story without question. Which
is sorta the problem, see above.

4. Eventually someone is going to do a voice print on that 911
recording. Zimmerman is alive for comparison purposes.

5. Possibly Trayvon did turn around and confront Zimmerman. I seem to
remember something like that from the story about the girl he was
talking to on the phone. If so, depending on what happened exactly, he
may have had the law on his side --see above.

I've actually never been to Sanford, which is kinda an Orlando suburb,
but I remember deciding not to investigate apartments there based on
something I saw in the news. Details escape me. I decided against
Orlando a bit later, btw,  mainly because I didn't want to work at
Disney. I went over to the space coast and up to St Augustine, which I
liked quite a bit but could't afford. I wound up in Jacksonville.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:13 AM, LRS Scout <> wrote:
> The original story, Orlando Sentinel, don't know the paper but if true this
> is damning to the boy.
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:54 AM, Dana <> wrote:
>> I have been getting bombarded on another list about this and am
>> surprised nobody here has mentioned it:
>> I know Maureen thinks we should ignore the idiots but I am not sure
>> that's what's called for here. The SF NPR station has a morning
>> call-in show that's normally quite intellectual, but today angry
>> people were calling up who were absolutely convinced that Zimmerman
>> was the victim. Apparently FOX news claims it's found a witness who
>> says Trayvon was beating him up. No, really. I actually have found a
>> link that substantiates that FOX says this.
>> I get that this is and Sanford is in Central
>> Florida and Zimmerman is half Hispanic.
>> But I mean, really? REALLY? Thought he was doing the right thing??????????

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