There is nobody except the Zimmerman and the eyewitnesses who know what 
happened that night, including the parents, Jesse and Al.  This is the same 
thing that happened to the Duke Lacrosse players - people making up their minds 
about what happened before investigating. A lynch mob has formed in Orlando 
based on misinformation and half-truths - and the pictures of Trayvon and 
Zimmerman are themselves half-truths - they aren't current, and it doesn't help 
the Trayvon cause when people who look past the vitriolic rheortic.

>Marijuana doesn't make you violent though.
>The intent of the "leak" is simply to discredit the victim.
>However, this is a lot more information than I had read before.
>I had never read the details of Zimmerman's side of the story before this
>People are also saying that all the photos we have of Trayvon are years out
>of date, and in reality he was a 6'4" mountain of a man..err boy... 

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