You wonder if the FDA is owned?  A former Monsanto exec is now head of the
FDA...FDA has a long historyof favoring corporate intersts over actualy
safety.  Look at Stevia.  Look at all of these drugs like Avandia and

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana Tierney [] 
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:21 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: FDA Decides Against Banning BPA In Food & Beverage Containers

You're slightly beside the point again. This is a terrible decision and does
make me wonder who over at FDA may have owed someone a favor. But it's a
FOOD problem. Not pharmaeutical. 

> FDA Decides Against Banning BPA In Food & Beverage Containers
> Bisphenol A - better known as "BPA" - is a chemical used in the epoxy 
> resin linings of a lot of food and beverage containers. Studies have 
> linked BPA to everything from increased risks of certain cancers to 
> diabetes, reproductive abnormalities, and heart disease. But the Food 
> and Drug Administration says there is not enough evidence yet to ban 
> its use in food packaging.
> Earlier today, in response to a petition submitted by the Natural 
> Resources Defense Council the FDA ruled that the available data "was 
> not sufficient to persuade FDA... to initiate rulemaking to revoke the 
> food additive approvals for BPA."
> The didn't write off the possibility of a ban entirely, saying it 
> would "continue in its broader and more comprehensive review of 
> emerging data and information on BPA."
> But our labcoat-lovin' brothers and sisters at Consumer Reports 
> weren't exactly overjoyed by the news.
> "We're disappointed with the FDA's decision," said Jean Halloran, the 
> director of food policy initiatives at Consumers Union. "We think 
> there's ample scientific evidence about the health risks of BPA for 
> the agency to take action now and ban it from food and drink 
> packaging."
> Ami Gadhia, senior policy counsel for Consumers Union, said "We're 
> going to keep pressing the FDA to ban BPA. We also support 
> congressional efforts to take BPA off the market entirely."
> Back in 2009, Consumer Reports tested canned foods, including soups, 
> juice, tuna, and green beans, and found that almost all of the 19 
> name-brand foods tested contained some BPA.
> Interestingly enough, this announcement comes the same day that the 
> FDA touted its new requirement for tobacco companies to providing 
> detailed accounts on the levels of a wide variety of toxins in their 
> products.
> http://consumerist.
c> om/2012/03/fda-decides-against-banning-bpa-in-food-beverage-containers.
> html
> Is it just me, or does anyone thing else think that the FDA is 
> completely compromised, especially in regards to pharmaceuticals?
> J
> -
> Ninety percent of politicians give the other ten percent a bad 
> reputation.
> - Henry Kissinger
> Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the 
> tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. - John

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