"All of those megalomaniacs have supporters, contributors and voters from
your pool of decent people."

Maureen, I don't know how I can explain it any clearer.  I'll try, even
though I am pretty sure it'll be a waste of time.

Let's take Rick Santorum.  Many people voted for him because he was NOT
Mitt Romney.  Now, that Romney has pretty much wrapped up the nomination,
many people will vote for him because he is NOT Obama.  They are not
"supporters" in the traditional sense.  They are choosing the lesser of two
evils (in their opinion at least).

Just to show the disconnect between leaders and their constituents, ask
yourself the following:

Where do the people of the USA stand on illegal immigration compared to
their elected leaders?  Voter ID reform? Foreign aid?  Foreign interference?

Anyway, when I consider all of the people I know, am acquainted with, and
am associated with, the super majority are decent people.  This includes
barbers, barista's, clerks, bartenders, coworkers, friends, family,
students, teachers, and so on.  If this isn't the case for you,
my condolences.  I'd be interested on how this relates to others on the
list. Do you know a bunch of decent people or are you surrounded by douche

One more thing.  Many voters are stupid, indifferent, or distracted. The
best sound bite wins. This doesn't make those people evil.  When one
considers that Jersey Shore can stay on the air, that American Idol is must
see TV, and that many people are more concerned with the Yankees winning
the pennant instead of worrying about balancing the federal budget, it
shouldn't surprise anyone we are stuck with the leaders we have.

"Either the electorate has control of who is elected, or we are living in a
fantasy land in which we the people are totally under the will of those who
are really running the country, yet believe our votes matter.  Which do you
think it is?"

It can't be a combination of both? The people are under the power of the
corporate regime that they put in office during the last election.  They
might be able to choose the other regime during the next election.

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote. - George Jean

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