On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "the Mexican drug cartels formerly got a small percentage of their guns via
> the ATF ..."
> So that makes it okay?

No, it makes you criminally wrong and continuing a habit of using
incorrect throw away statements for snippy and partisan purposes with
no real attempt to do anything useful and worthwhile.

> "... in a very misguided law enforcement program which no longer exists."
> F & F maybe dead, but who knows what else in play.  No one would know about
> F&F except for the tragic shooting a border patrol agent.

Who knows, indeed. Are we going to condemn all potential programs on
all potential subjects that we know nothing about now? Oversight is a
good thing. I'm in favor of it. Your statement is innuendo that
doesn't do anything interesting, let alone worthwhile. Or is
it?!?..duh duh duh...


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