"No, it makes you criminally wrong and continuing a habit of using incorrect
throw away statements for snippy and partisan purposes with no real attempt
to do anything useful and worthwhile."

Criminally?  Nice.

Partisan?  You brought up the DOJ from another administration in an attempt
at partisanship.  I neither defended or denigrated the prior DOJ regime.

Never mind. I forgot: leftist can't be partisan or wrong.

"Who knows, indeed. Are we going to condemn all potential programs on all
potential subjects that we know nothing about now? "

This shouldn't be a normal occurrence, but with the current DOJ's track
record, one needs to by wary and suspicious.

"Oversight is a good thing.  I'm in favor of it."

Of course it is.  The problem is "What do you think oversight is?"  Is it
oversight investigating Democrats or is harassment?  I have my opinion of
what you believe, but I'll keep it to myself.

"Your statement is innuendo that doesn't do anything interesting, let alone
worthwhile. "

It made you reply which  wasn't interesting or worthwhile.  You won that



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