thanks for the subject line change.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Maureen <> wrote:

> [Note: I changed the subject]
> Some questions for you, Jerry.
> Why do you think the DOJ prosecutor in Arizona told the ATF agents not
> to arrest the gun buyers?  Do you think he was acting on orders from
> Eric Holder, or possibly even Obama? Or is it possible that he was
> trying to follow the letter of the law and not make an arrest until he
> had enough evidence.  Or maybe he had some other motive, like being in
> bed with the cartels?
> Why do you think the investigation has not asked that question of the
> prosecutor, and what do you think his answer would be if they did?
> What is your main complaint against the DOJ and the ATF in this case?
> That they may have acted in such a way as to cause the death of a
> border patrol agent, or that they are part of a Democratic
> administration, or do you have some other beef?
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Jerry Barnes <> wrote:
> > This shouldn't be a normal occurrence, but with the current DOJ's track
> > record, one needs to by wary and suspicious.
> >
> >
> > "Oversight is a good thing.  I'm in favor of it."
> >
> > Of course it is.  The problem is "What do you think oversight is?"  Is it
> > oversight investigating Democrats or is harassment?  I have my opinion of
> > what you believe, but I'll keep it to myself.

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