By "anyone who blindly follows either party", I was referring to a
very large group of people - on both sides of the 'aisle' - who simply
regurgitate what their party tells them without any thought. Trust me
there are as many of them on left as their are on the right.

I was not singling you out, nor was I specifically calling you
'blind'. If you perceived it that way, I apologize, I should have been
more clear.

I'd like like to think that by now you would know that if I wanted to
call you names, I would just do it and not hide it in a veiled

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Sam <> wrote:
>> common sense? Heh....anyone who blindly follows either party or
>> beleives every word Ryan uttered last night is seriously lacking
>> common sense.
> Now I do realize you're going to pull a Maureen and claim that your
> direct response to me wasn't meant for me.
> It is true it does not apply to me but I'm pretty sure you intended it
> to mean me.
> .
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Sam <> wrote:
>>> Really? You don't read your own po
>> Yes, Sam, I do read my own posts. Obviously you don't or didn't read mine.
>> Once again, show me exactly where I called you 'blind'. Scroll back,
>> copy, paste, send - it should be easy, the thread is not that lone. Go
>> know you want to....
>> You won't go find it, though...mostly because you would rather throw
>> out accusations and red herrings when confronted...partly because I
>> never called you blind.

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