I remember some protests when the big Jesus movie came out like 10 years
ago or whatever.  I don't remember anyone being killed then either.

However the West and Christianity went through renaissance and the
reformation respectively.  I'm just thinking it's time to force it on them
from the outside, since they won't do it internally.

That or take ALL our toys and head home.

Police actions don't work.  Total war, or no war.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:

> "Damn that pesky free speech right . . ."
> It's only free if agreed with.  Otherwise, it is tainted somehow with
> racism, homophobia, fascism, etc.  Basically, anyone who says something
> that goes against the current acceptable meme is stereotyped immediately.
> "Straight up, F the film, its irrelevnt."
> Seems like that part of the world always has a riot waiting for an excuse.
> I did find an example of Christians getting riled up when a documentary was
> made featuring parts saying Jesus was gay.  While some Christians have
> objected to the film, they have yet to kill anyone, let alone an
> ambassador.
> http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Christian-Group-Objects-to-Film-With-Gay-Jesus-149104075.html
> J
> -
> We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty
> rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that
> each individual is accountable for his actions. - Ronald Reagan

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