I just watched Holders testimony.

He says plainly that they were two different operations, and there were
major differences.  The largest of course being that the Mexican government
was involved in and approved the Bush operation, and were never involved in
or informed of fast and furious.

He's getting hammered by these guys on the hill, and he's gonna be getting
in some real trouble the way it sounds.

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:41 PM, Judah McAuley <ju...@wiredotter.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Bruce Sorge <sor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Let's start with how the Benghazi story was first put out, that it was
> not a terrorist act, but rather started by a video
> That was what they thought because that was what happened in Egypt.
> They were wrong and soon realized that. They should have been more
> forthcoming in the aftermath and I fault them about the relay of
> information around consular security (this is the worst one to me) but
> the story around Benghazi was not something to call them on.
> > Fast and furious began under the Bush administration
> It did. Under a different name, but same fundamental program. The
> Obama administration doubled down on it though and they should be
> hammered for it.
> > Says his budget will cut the deficit by 4 trillion over 10 years
> Which bit do you want to call out on that and with what facts?
> > You didn't build that
> Uh, how is that a lie? It's absolutely true that companies don't
> spring into existence fully formed and without any support from common
> infrastructure. I've built web development companies but those
> companies wouldn't exist without the Internet, as an example. He was
> absolutely, 100% right.
> > During 2012 state of the union, said that American oil production is at
> it's highest in eight years
> He said 8 year high and he was correct.
> > Says he has done more for Israel's security than any other president
> Ehud Barak agrees. Please also take a look at aid numbers.
> > Said that the jobs bill was paid for
> It wasn't?
> > Said that there is no where else in the US to drill for oil
> I'm not familiar with this statement. When did he say it and in what
> context? I know the argument has come up that there are thousands of
> existing exploration permits that are sitting unused. Perhaps
> something along those lines?
> > Said that there were no boots on the ground in Libya , but yet the
> AC-130 gunships just happen to be able to hit their targets without a
> spotter? Weird.
> >
> You might be right but I'm unaware of any evidence to support your
> claim. Do you have any? I wouldn't be surprised if you are right, but
> I have not heard of any evidence substantiating your claim.
> > The list goes on and on and these are just some of the things in the
> last 3+ years I an think of off the top of my head.
> Mostly sounds like you just don't like the dude. I can understand
> that. There is a lot of garbage around Fast and Furious (for example),
> around ass covering regarding the security situation in Benghazi, the
> administration crapping on FOIA requests, continued escalation of the
> use of National Security Letters, the list goes on quite a bit for me.
> But let's be factual and take a step back when calling out "lies".
> > And the best one ever (not a lie really, just taking credit for someone
> else's work) is how he takes credit for taking troops out of Iraq when in
> actuality the plan was already put in place before he took office. And then
> he failed to come up with a SOFA agreement to keep limited troops there in
> case shit pops off like it has. So basically he left Iraq hanging.
> >
> I give him credit for following through on the withdrawal, there are a
> whole lot of people who argued we shouldn't. And he doubled down in
> Afghanistan, which went directly against the base that wanted us to
> bring everyone back home, period. May or may not have been the
> smartest idea, but it had the strength of conviction at least. As for
> the SOFA, how can you really blame anyone other than Iraq on that?
> Iraq's government was a clusterfuck and the only agreement that might
> have conceivably been done there would have put our guys at great risk
> and directly under the legal finger of the changing whims of Iraqi
> leadership. I just don't see how you could argue that we could have
> negotiated a SOFA that would be acceptable to both sides (presuming
> that you believe that our troops needed to be shielded whims of the
> Iraqi political situation).
> Cheers,
> Judah

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