I think what the process should be is that when you get a marriage
certificate, the clerk does a quick check to make sure you are not married
to anyone else and confirms that both parties are of a legal age and
confirms that both parties are consenting willingly and then you are
married.  If you wish t back that up by also having a wedding  at your
religious institution of choice and have it blessed and sanctioned by your
church...you can then go ahaead and do that...then the religious part s 100%
divorced from the legal part of the marriage.

Three Ravens Consulting
Eric Roberts
tel: 630-486-5255
fax: 630-310-8531

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Stroz [mailto:boyz...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 8:13 AM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: You have to wonder about those against same sex marriage

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Jerry Barnes <critic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "People are protesting for civil contracts - the name of those 
> contracts, according to the government, is 'marriage'"
> Ehhh.  Semantics.

It might be. But if we can't call it one thing for heterosexuals and
something different for homosexuals. 'Separate but equal' simply does not

My thought on it is that the government should get out of the marriage
business all together. The word should be stricken from all government
forms. I am OK with the government being concerned about civil unions,

If a couple wants to get married, they go to their church, temple, etc. If
they want the government to acknowledge that union, the need to go to the
municipality, county, state office to fill out paper work. Two separate
processes for two separate 'unions'.

The problem in this debate is that the government and religious institutions
use the same word 'marriage' to describe two different things. It does not
help that in many religious marriage ceremonies, the priest, rabbi,
minister, etc. also handle what could be considered the 'civil' side of the
paperwork in completing the marriage license.

Scott Stroz
You can make things happen, you can watch things happen or you can wonder
what the f*&k happened. - Cpt. Phil Harris


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