Vivec <> wrote:
> The ballot box doesn't matter for these initiatives. Either party will
> continue these programs.

Exactly - there's been no substantial change in policy for 30 years.

Put simply, the Obama vs. Romney believers watch more Fox News than
they do spreadsheets and policy briefs: Obama doubled and tripled down
on Bush positions almost across the board.  And W followed Clinton who
followed Bush who followed Regan.

Everybody blames W for the crash, but it was actually Clinton in
collaboration with Senate Republicans:

* Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, authored by Phil
Gramm(r) and Jim Leach(r), repealed the Glass-Stegal Act of 1933 and
paved the way for derivatives by removing the barriers between
banking, investment banking, and insurance

* Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, authored by Phill
Gramm(r), repealed the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 and paved the
way for credit-default swaps

Without these two changes there would've been no crisis.

W is as responsible as Obama: both Presidents have allowed these
legislative horrors to persist.

So Gel is right: pick your policy beef and then realize that the
ballot box won't fix it and now you can sleep knowing that at least
you're honest with yourself.

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