I won't engage with you at all.

You lost me with your "anointed one" crap at the beginning.

I think that is crap.

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Bruce Sorge <sor...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So Biden said that the anointed one might enact executive action and
> tighten gun control in the U.S. This means no vote in Congress. The AG is
> trying to figure out the details of whether or not this can be done, and if
> so how to legally go about doing it. And the chosen one is also endorsing a
> renewal of the assault weapons ban, improving background checks as well as
> restricting the size of high capacity magazines.
> What I find interesting is that he would consider executive action. I
> mean, almost 50% of American's own weapons (according to 2010 data from
> http://justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp). I imagine that the number is a
> little higher now. That's a LOT of potentially pissed off people if this
> happens.
> What I also find interesting is that he wants to ban military assault
> weapons which is silly since according to another study (
> http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcassaul.html) assault weapons account
> for a mere .20% of all violent crimes that involved a gun. To be honest I
> don't know what good will come out of an assault weapons ban. I mean, guys
> like Tim and I can clear a room just as easily with a Remington .223 Ranch
> as we can with an M-4 or M-16. And they fire the same caliber of round.
> It's silly to assume that just because Bushmaster .223 rifles were used in
> the Washington DC shootings and Newton, that banning these weapons will
> stop shootings. What if the shooter in Newton could not get his hands on
> this type of a weapon? What if his mother only had lets say a 30.06? I
> would imagine that he would have used that one instead. Of course we won't
> ever know for sure.
> And of course let's look at a great example of how gun bans/control DON'T
> work - Chicago. I do not need to go into all the details since pro-gun
> activists are all over this and there are countless stories about this on
> the interwebs. And let's not forget Washington D.C. The murder rate there
> fell 25% once the gun ban was lifted according to the Washington Times back
> in 2010. Oh, and it rose up considerably when the gun ban was enacted.
> I am all for tighter background checks (meaning more thorough). This is
> not an issue for law abiding citizens who are allowed to own a weapon. What
> I also think should be done is to take a look at the silliness of some of
> the restrictions that are in place to allow people to own a firearm who are
> in particular situations such as Tim's (apologies if I spoke out of line
> Tim). But, I feel that regardless of what laws may come, guns are here to
> stay and banning certain weapons and tightening control will not help since
> criminals have always found a way to get a gun the same as they were able
> to get booze and make millions of dollars during prohibition. And besides,
> no criminal ever saw a sign stating that an area was a gun free zone and
> decided to move on to where there were guns. When is the last time you read
> about a mass shooting at a gun show or firing range?
> And speaking of making certain weapons illegal, I am sure cocaine, meth,
> acid, certain mushrooms, ecstasy and the like are still illegal, but yet
> tons of the stuff end up across our borders. Making something illegal will
> not make it go away.
> The study done on justfacts.com is interesting, especially the part where
> it shows how many citizens (not law enforcement and the like) successfully
> defended themselves and/or their property with a weapon. I just wish the
> prez and others behind him would stop with the knee jerk reactions and
> starting talking about things more important, like what's going to happen
> to administration officials who are responsible for four American's dying
> senselessly four months ago. Or actually passing a budget. Or stop
> defunding the military and systematically dismantling it as is always the
> case post war. Or reducing our national debt. Or taking care of domestic
> issues. LIttle things like that.
> These are just my thoughts. Let the debating and name calling begin.

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