You just haven't met the right broccoli yet.


On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:15 AM, GMoney <> wrote:
> I think the "what will i tell my kids?" argument is a dodge, a front for
> their inability to come to terms with their own feelings and beliefs.
> I will admit that I find it gross....i can't help that.....i also find
> broccoli gross...can't change that either, it's a reaction I have that's
> formed before I can even think on it. What I can control is how I deal with
> that reaction. While I have no desire to ever eat broccoli....or sleep with
> another man....why would I care if anyone else chose to do either???
> If anyone, including my children, ask about's a pretty simple
> answer: "Some men prefer broccoli...and other men...and some don't."
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Casey Dougall - Uber Website Solutions <
>> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 8:38 AM, Cameron Childress <
>> >wrote:
>> > This pretty much sums it up for me...
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I haven't been paying attention. Is there anyone on the list who's
>> against
>> > it? I honestly am not sure I know anyone personally among friends /
>> family
>> > who's against it.
>> >
>> That about sums it up... LOL
>> When I was younger and in the rave scene, their were so many gay wacko men
>> it was just something you got use to seeing. As i got older, I started to
>> see normal gay people in my day to day life and that is where you see the
>> normal people just trying to get through life like the rest of us,they just
>> prefer the same sex.
>> From a family aspect, I'm from a broken home so the whole marriage thing
>> doesn't matter much to me, but I've also seen gay couples
>> raising children and it's the same as my other friends raising children.
>> The real problem here is parents who do not know how to talk to their kids
>> and would rather spew their own fears as beliefs instead of just talking
>> with their kids about everything they are going to run into in life.

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