If you make a Facebook page that points to the site, I will share it
with all my pet loving friends.  Most of them are reluctant to click
to an external site that doesn't have a page about it.

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Matthew Smith <chedders...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So we are FINALLY getting a decent-ish amount of traffic to our site, about
> a thousand unique visitors a day.  But we have only had one sale so far.
>  There was a nasty bug that caused the cart to empty when the user created
> an account, which i fixed three times, but somehow our host was overwriting
> the file change.  I rewrote the order app and cart to use cfid/cftoken to
> associate the cart to the user, so that seems to have fixed it for good.
> Can you wise people of this list suggest changes I can make to the site to
> get conversions up?  My parents are closing on a house and could really use
> the extra cash right now.
> Thank you SO much.
> http://www.theartoflovingcatsanddogs.com
> --
> Regards,
> chedder is bedder

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