Gaza is self governing and the settlers moved out in 2005. The
settlers left the hothouses which were quickly destroyed. The bombs
started immediately. If the fighting stopped, Palestinians would be
welcome to work in Israel, the hot houses would likely be rebuilt and
everything possible would be done by Israel to guarantee a flourishing
economy. They only want war. What else can Israel do?


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Eric Roberts
<> wrote:
> Judah...these missiles are not being fired for shits and giggles...they are
> being fired because of Israeli oppression.  The constant state of siege on
> Gaza.  The constant incursion of Israeli many many other
> reasons.  Netenyahu even came out and said that he doesn't support a 2 state
> solution.  His party never has.  As long as Israel keeps encroaching on
> Palestininan territory and the human rights of the Palestinian people...the
> missiles will continue to come.  They have violated every agreement that has
> brought peace.  If you were in the Palestinian's shoes...what would you do?
> Just give up and let Israel steamroll you?

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