On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Scott Stroz <boyz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Having them 'attend' the scrum is fine.
> Having them disrupt the scrum with stuff that is 'outside of scope' for
> scrum is not.
> As contractors, we should not simply give the client what they ask for
> (often times, what they as for is not what they want). We should guide the
> client to what is best for the project. This includes letting them know
> that for an 'agile' process, it is not best for the project if they attend
> the meeting and take things off the rails.

Meh....i don't see the point in trying to conform a project to a
methodology, as opposed to the other way around.

My project is a high visibility, highly critical, rapidly changing project.
The needs and requirements change almost daily. As such, client input can
be necessary daily. So they asked to use our scrums for that.

Seems stupid for me to say "No, Agile doesn't work that way...". Seems more
reasonable to say "Our project is pretty unique, let's adapt Agile to work
the way we need it."

So that's how we scrum, and we make it work.

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