Yeah he "ran" as a compassionate conservative...but that was where that
ended.  Compassionate conservative is an oxymoron.

So those who have more money pay more

I can't find anything comparing Holder to other DOJ's...if you have some
links... I said...he is liberal on the social issues for the most part, but
everything else, he has pretty much continued Bush policies.  It's been a
major bone of contention amongst my fellow progressives.

There really hasn't been a whole done in regards to income
redistribution...that is a conservative boogeyman and Fox news seems to like
to throw out there, but I really don't see a whole lot going on in that
area.  Welfare services have been cut back when they were needed the most.
The only income redistribution that has really been going on is for the rich
and all of the new tax breaks/continuation of old ones that were supposed to
expire.  We have tons of money for tax breaks, but yet we have to cut food
stamps and military pay?  That is a Bush move...

The federal government is smaller under Obama than it was under any other

-----Original Message-----
From: C. Hatton Humphrey [] 
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2014 11:17 PM
To: cf-community
Subject: Re: Democrats set to lose the senate

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 11:36 PM, Eric Roberts <> wrote:

> He pretty much continued all of Bush's policies.  The only liberal 
> part of his polices has been what the has done for the LGBTQ Community 
> and maybe the equal pay for women bills.  Other than that, he turned 
> out to be not much different than Bush, with the exception of being a 
> bit more prudent about sending our troops into harm's way.

For some things you're absolutely right... I found this a funny compilation

Bush ran as a "compassionate conservative" for the 2000 election... I don't
recall if his tone changed in 2004 but then again I don't think it had to
given his competition.

Why I still call BS even though some policies have continued under Obama:
* The Affordable Care Act - This is a taxpayer funded healthcare management
system that requires Americans to purchase a product or be penalized by a
federal agency.  It further directs and defines services provided to
americans and mandates employer level contributions to plans.  It also
creates penalties for high-end "cadillac" plans and increases FICA medicare
taxes for those that make above a certain level (there is a 0.09% FICA
Medicare surcharge for those making in excess of $200,000).  All these
combine to create a larger federal governmental structure that is stronger
and more insinuated in the daily lives of citizens.
* The actions of Eric Holder - The Holder Department of Justice has been
more litigious than any that I can recall
* Ardent support of policy changes for social issues such as minimum wage,
abortion (including parental consent) and LGBT issues (yeah, I know you
mentioned that).
* Speeches that directly support income redistribution

There are more but unfortunately I have to end it there due to the time.
 My point is this:  It's not in his similarity to Bush that makes him a
"moderate conservative" (wow, there's a term that doesn't exist) but in the
actions he has taken to directly grow the size of the federal government,
create dependencies on it and lessen the power of the individual states
through the same fiscal tactics that brought about the 55 mile per hour
speed limit.  Those are not conservative goals or ideals, they are the

Until Later!
C. Hatton Humphrey

Every cloud does have a silver lining.  Sometimes you just have to do some
smelting to find it.

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