Really?  So that's why I see so many people converting to Islam, and all the
women in the US suddenly covering up in public.  Oh that must also be why we
don't allow our female children to be educated anymore, and we disfigure
their sexual organs so they cannot receive pleasure from intercourse.

Umm no.  I really don't think he has affected our values.  Tell you what
though.  He has made sure that he will never be safe again.  Never know if
he can really trust the men around him.

Must be sad.

Saw something that said he may be alive the other day.  Not sure if it's
true or not, personally I hope so.  So that some young 11b can earn his CIB
putting him down like a rabid dog.

Tim Heald

Application Development

Fusebox Advisory Committee Member

Manager Fayetteville ColdFusion User Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jochem van Dieten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 5:53 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Lindh pleads guilty, won't receive life in prison
> Jerry Johnson wrote:
> > Again, not (at the moment) a federal crime.
> >
> > But I think the real question you want to ask is: What gives
> the US the right to impose its values on others?
> >
> > Because we can.
> >
> > Its really that simple.
> I think Bin Laden is also doing a very good job at imposing his values
> on the US.
> Jochem
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