Good now go back and play the 2 year old counter strike or Quake II and
shaddup :P

Bill Wheatley
Senior Database Developer
Macromedia Certified Advanced Coldfusion Developer
954.360.9022 X159
ICQ 417645
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Ihrig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: Go Army

> i got 39/40 guess im a marks man or some silly shit.
> but the game sucks ass...
> the only way it will catch on is if they allow rouge servers that don't
> to report to their master server...
> honestly, i hate the game.
> i run many game servers...
> aa is just horrible.
> -paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Smith, Matthew P -CONT(DYN) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 1:48 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Go Army
> I have been avoiding uploading my score until I get 36/40 since I want to
> snipe(AWP ownz joo in CS! lol)
> Do you know if you can go back and re-qualify to expert to get into the
> sniper school once you upload the first time?  I assume so, but the petty
> perfectionist in me wants to start at the top....
> How is the multiplayer, pacing wise?  Are the rounds objective based ala
> protect/bomb this, hostage rescue, etc or is it just a kill everything
> thing?
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:33 PM
> >>To: CF-Community
> >>Subject: Re: Go Army
> >>
> >>Guy-
> >>before you came back, there was a thread about this on
> >>the list. buncha people posted tips on how to get past
> >>some hard spots in the game. 203MB download BTW.
> >>-Ben
> >>> Did anyone read about this in PCGamer?
> >>>
> >>> The US Army is developing its own mil-sim game to distribute for
> >>> free as a recruiting tool. Apparently they are using their own
> >>> compsci types and contracting some industry big names to do it. If
> >>> it ever makes it to release it should be incredible.
> >>>
> >>> Doesn't this raise some ethical issues though? Sure everyone in
> >>> the gamer industry treats killing as a game, but is it over the line
> >>> when the US Army does it? Just throwing this out there as a
> >>> conversation starter.
> >>>
> >>> I wonder if in the game you can poison your own troops and deal in
> >>> arms with 'unfriendly' nations? Hmmm......
> >>>
> >>> Gnome Chomsky...heheh..that was good....
> >>> *****************
> >>> Guy J. McDowell
> >>> A/V Technician
> >>> Frost Campus
> >>> Sir Sandford Fleming College
> >>> (705) 324-9144 x. 3261
> >>>
> >>
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