> Sometimes I wonder whether I should be disturbed by myself.

Be disturbed by it, it's a disturbing fact. But realize that these
calculations were made, are made and will continue to be made, and not just
by the US.

It makes me sad too.

But there's a part of this story that gets me angry as well, and that is by
saying what he said, Dallaire implied and therefore people all around the
would will (and do) infer, that other countries DID NOT and DO NOT think in
terms of 1: 85,000 (or some other ratio) that only the despicable US, thinks
in these terms.

Ah well...can't win for losin'

William H. Bowen

ALSTOM's T&D Energy Automation & Information Business

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Jochem van Dieten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: Some people are more equal as others

> William H. Bowen wrote:
> > Of course, at the same time, the rest of the world broke their necks
> > at great speeds to help out.
> Some even broke their necks racing to help people deeper in. I can think
> of at least 4 countries (2 African and 2 European). But the thought that
> this tpe of calculation is actually made (even apart from the outcome of
> it) just doesn't feel right.
> And do you know what is scary? Hearing these numbers doesn't even make
> me angry, just sad. Sad of what a place this world is. Sad that when I
> take a god look at some of the classes I follow in Uni, they teach me to
> do exactly this type of calculation. But in the end I will just shrug
> and go on.
> Sometimes I wonder whether I should be disturbed by myself.
> Jochem
> --
> A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic.
>                            -   Joseph Stalin
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