Burn out will happen more and more when you aren't happy... Could be work
sucks... not liking management, clients, etc.

The best thing to do is create your own eco-system.. your own projects... Do
things that matter and have value...

Spend some time working at a local non profit with real problems and people
with such and you will feel fortunate..

A good long walk also can do wonders...


-----Original Message-----
From: Timothy Heald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:16 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: Burnout

I have found only three things that work for me.  If you can take time (on
weekends or whatever) take it.  My main two outlets are reading (fantasy/sci
fi, no technical stuff on down time) or killing stuff online (neverwinter,
everquest or America's army).  I would say the time away from the computer
helps the most.  It's funny I specifically went to my Aunt's house and sat
in her hammock, just to be off line for a few hours, not to long ago.  I
guess I am not burnt though, because I brought a SQL Server book :)

If you really need to be spending your time learning, and you find that the
projects your working on at the office are not stimulating enough, than make
yourself a project.  About 6 months ago I decided I wanted to learn some PHP
and JSP.  So I did a full site redesign on my personal site.  First I added
the base functionality in CF, then I did the exact same thing in PHP, then
in JSP.  I had a lot of fun learning it.  The way I started learning action
script was by taking something I liked that was HTML and JS and migrating it
to Flash.  I had a blast, and learned that I will never in all the days of
my life be a Flash Developer :)  Many times you must force yourself to
create learning experiences.  A friend needed a secondary DNS server the
other day.  I know nothing about DNS.  But I figured it could only be a good
thing to know.  So now I host his secondary DNS.

Not sure if your married or have children.  One of my other surefire ways to
unwind is to just play with my 2 year old.  He really gives me a totally
different perspective on the world.  In his world there is still no evil, no
checkbook or mortgage, just a pillow to throw, or a book to have daddy read.

Timothy Heald

Manager Fayetteville ColdFusion User Group

Fusebox Advisory Committee Member

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:01 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Burnout

I need help guys...

Currently I would definitely describe myself as burnt out. It's been
a gradual process, but I'm definitely there. I don't have the burning
desire to immerse myself anymore like I used to because there was so
much to learn.
There are a few different reasons, that I imagine are pretty common
reasons for burnout. Learning experiences are few and far between, and
lack of confidence in management (not the business side, but the
project management.) All the standard reasons for burnout I guess.

Anyway, any tips on combating burnout?


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